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Disturbing the Water – a quick dip of the toe

Angling has mystery at its heart, with anglers often fishing alone into the twilight in remote places. Just what lies beyond the water’s edge?  

You don’t need to fish yourself to understand or appreciate these stories but you may well find out something of what it is to be an angler. To think like one, to dream like one, and to pursue your quarry – whatever the cost.

The Lake That Never Freezes – two very different anglers meet in Ukraine during the Second World War in a story with timeless echoes.

The Lady of the Stream – a just-so story giving an alternative ghostly explanation for the nickname of a popular fish.

Captain Cochran’s Post Box – a poltergeist tale spanning different eras about predatory relatives and the fish that links them.

Dark Waters – a classic ghost story involving elements of real history as an unpleasant angler fishes an Irish lough.

Lost and Found – the sighting of a ghost by a river changes the life of an immigrant orphan from Romania.

Leave Fast the Knot of Four – a fusty salmon angler in the Scottish Highlands meddles where he shouldn’t in this account of mounting dread.

Here Boy – a teenage carp angler learns that maybe history is interesting after all.

Wrecking – a tale of tragedy set off the Cornish coast, where fog descends on some friends out for a day’s fishing.

The Teacher – a father teaches his son to fish, only to find out that perhaps his lad has more to teach him.

The Edge – a hapless angler goes to bizarre lengths with disturbing bait ingredients and comes a cropper.

The Three Keys – a cautionary tale, as three anglers in North America regret getting what they wish for.

The Village Beneath – a story set in the early days of Covid, whereby a Welsh angler seemingly slips back into history.

Midnight, June 15th – a special time for anglers, but which ends in mounting tragedy for a group who cross a latter-day druid.

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